Thursday, March 27, 2008

Who to Be Blamed ?!

To all St. John members and committee,this is an example of what happened. It even can happen to SJA. Some people think parents permission is a waste of time, RED TAPE etc. But in the end whoto be blamed. Please ensure Parents Permission forms are filled to avoid any problems to yourself, teachers and school.

Please read on:
Saturday August 26, 2006
Two drowned Sabah students not supposed to be on trip

KOTA KINABALU: Two of the four SM Sanzac students who drowned at Pantai Dalit five days ago while returning from acommunity project in Tuaran were not supposed to be on the trip. Sabah Education Department director Normah Gagoh said Mohd Firdaus Jefferiand Ahmad Raffie Daud were not part ofthe project team to assist an elderly blind couple at Kampung Lok Batik buthad wanted to be with their schoolmates.

She said the teacher who had accompanied the 17 students on the trip should not be held responsible merely for not ensuring that only eligible students went on the trip. Normah said as the students boarded buses for their trip, the teacher did not have the registration forms with him.

Had the forms been with him, there would have been a roll call to ensure that only members of the team were going. But then to err is human, she added. Sometimes, when students are already seated, the teacher may not have the heart to take them off the coach forfear of hurting their feelings.

The other students who drowned were Arnanazir Mohd Rashid and Helmi Affendi Ambran. Another student, Mohd Nazil Mohd Lan,the son of Sulabayan assembly man Datuk Mohd Lan Allani, was rescued minutes after the incident.

They were at Pantai Dalit to wash up after helping the couple.Normah said the teacher almost drowned trying to save the students.She also extended the departments condolences to the families of the fourstudents.

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