Jasin deputy police chief Asst Supt Jasmani Othman said stroke patient Tan Hee Moi alias Tan Yi Noi, 62, died on the spot while the ambulance driver, a hospital attendant and Tan’s 21-year-old son were injured.
He said the accident occurred at 2.30pm while the ambulance was taking Tan from a private hospital in Selayang to Tan’s home in Taman Maluri, Ulu Tiram, Johor.
Jasmani said the ambulance driver is believed to have lost control of the vehicle before it hit the back of the trailer laden with maize.
The driver of the trailer was unhurt. The injured were taken to Jasin Hospital.
Bernama 16/01/2009
Note : To all ambulance service provider althought you have been given the priority to rush the patient on the road, but at the same time please drive savely and steadily. Please do not misuse the priority given.
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